What are your rates?

Contact us for an estimate based on an hourly rate. Our firm offers two levels of rates, one for the firm’s lawyer and one for the firm’s entertainment paralegal. We also provide some routine services on flat rates.

What are your payment terms?

Payment terms can vary, but typically we ask for a retainer which is payable into the firm's trust account prior to commencing work on your behalf. Once the work is performed, the fees and disbursements are billed and the money removed from trust to pay the bill when rendered.

In some cases installment payments can be arranged.

We accept payments by credit card (Visa and Matercard), cheque, cash or email interac transfer.

What is pro bono work and do you engage in it?

Pro bono work is work done on a no charge, no fee basis. Such work is typically done in the not-for-profit and charitable field. The firm does not typically engage in pro bono legal work per se, but individuals in the firm are involved in many volunteer activities on a pro bono basis.

Most consultations take place within an hour.

How long should an initial consultation be?

The time can vary based on the immediacy of the legal issue involved, however in most routine cases, a day or two in advance is sufficient, depending on scheduling priorities.

How long in advance do I need to book an initial consultation?

Who you choose to meet from the initial consultation and who you work within the firm is your choice.

Can I choose who I will meet with during my initial consultation?

Yes there is free parking on Kingston Road outside of our office up to 4 PM and at any time on the side streets for up to three hours.

Is there parking at your office?

Main Street on the Bloor- Danforth line.

What is the closest subway station to your office?

Our office is a short 5 min. bus ride south from the Main Street subway station.

Can I get to your office by bus or streetcar?